Claims arising from allegations of professional misconduct, accounting errors, failure to follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS), PCAOB or SEC rules, accounting and malpractice cases require a wealth of experience in accounting, professional standards, damages issues and complex business issues. Our lawyers have the expertise and experience to handle these complicated and delicate matters. In addition to a Harvard Law degree, our Managing Partner has an MBA with an accounting focus. Our lawyers have worked on some of the most high profile accounting fraud cases of the last two decades, including fraudulent accounting allegations at companies such as Enron, WorldCom, The Williams Companies, and many others and have represented Big Four accounting firms such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young, and KPMG, as well as smaller regional accounting firms.
At BNSK, our litigators have both settled and defeated claims against accountants and auditors, and handled regulatory claims such as PCAOB, SEC and state accountancy boards.

- Defeated claims against individual partner and employees of major accounting firm and settled claims against firm on the first day of trial for less than 10% of claimed losses
- Persuaded SEC to drop claims recommended by enforcement division against Big Four accounting firm after submission of Wells response
- Won a motion to dismiss multi-million dollar securities claims against Big Four accounting firm which was in turn affirmed on appeal
- Handled SEC investigation against regional accounting firm and two partners arising from the collapse of a client of the accounting firm in China
- Represented accounting firm and partners in SEC investigation of accounting fraud at major public companies
- At prior firms worked on securities claims against auditors of Enron, WorldCom, The Williams Companies, Stockwalk and other major companies
- Handled claims of major tax accounting malpractice involving $20 million in back taxes owed by agriculture company
- Handled third party subpoenas for Big Four accounting firm in California